Tuesday, October 20, 2009

666 on Facebook

Very excited to note that the membership for the Museum of Witchcraft Fans Facebook site has reached 666 members!! How devilish!!
If you haven't checked it out yet follow the link http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=4238981379&ref=ts and join up. There are some really interesting videos on there which have been posted by members. Please feel free to add interesting content yourselves. Our next target is 1000 members!!
Friends of the Museum of Witchcraft membership is also doing really well. We have surpassed last year's numbers year to date. We have purchased books for the library and are hoping to make a major contribution toward the lighting within the museum - more cost effective, low heat output which is better for the artifacts, and of course more environmentally friendly. If you want to join go to http://www.friendsbmw.org.uk/ and join online or pick up an application form from the museum itself.

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